Wednesday, September 10, 2008

been in the kitchen too much to blog.

Whole grilled, herb stuffed, trout.
Everybody's favorite, Yorkshire pudding
Home made 3 cheese pizza

so after a long absence from blogging, I am back. I have lots of fun recipes to share after a summer of experimenting.

Here are a few of my dishes that I will be listing.
Lime grilled shrimp
Asian style chicken wings
herb roasted pork tenderloin
lime chicken
and many more so watch this space


Natalie Que said...

You're a regular Jaime Oliver over there! So glad your absence has been due to too much cooking!

Miss Megan said...

I can't wait for the recipe to your herb roasted pork tenderloin! I am seriously salivating thinking about your pork. Wait. That didn't sound right. Anyways, I think you know what I mean. P.S. I am still waiting for that yummy English dinner. Yorkshire pudding here I come!

Marie said...

Yum! I can't wait!